Group Consultations

The Maples Heath Centre are running group consultation clinics for patients with asthma, cholesterol and menopause (menopause is in association with our PCN, Broxbourne Alliance).  Over time we will develop more group consultation clinics for a variety of health conditions.

Group Consultations are a new way of managing your condition
The benefits include:

  • More time with the Clinician (GP / Nurse / Pharmacist)    
  • Better patient experience
  • Increase confidence in managing your condition
  • Opportunity to support each other and share your experiences
  • Improved clinical outcomes 
  • Reduced risk of hospital Admission 

What is a Group Consultation?
A Group Consultation is a 90-minute face-to-face appointment which is run by a facilitator (Normally one of our patient care services or administrative staff who has received training to do this) and a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or healthcare assistant. The consultation occurs within a supportive and friendly group, with around 10-12 other patients present. The first part of the session involves discussion of your experiences, questions, and results (where applicable) with your group and the facilitator. During the second part of the consultation, the clinician enters and then holds one-to-one consultations with each member of the group, as well as answering any questions that the group has. New prescriptions, referrals and further investigations can be discussed and organised at this point. During the last part of the session, participants can reflect on how the session has gone and set individual goals to help them manage their condition better.

Why are we doing this?
We are always looking for ways to improve the way that we care for patients. Evidence has shown that this way of running appointments can benefit patients, clinicians, and the GP practice. Group Consultations are already routinely being used in parts of the UK.  There is overwhelmingly positive feedback from patients, who feel that these appointments give them more time with a clinician, more time to have their questions about their condition answered and allow them to meet others with the same condition. Studies have also shown that this way of consulting can improve disease outcomes. Additionally, clinicians benefit from feeling that they have more time to offer advice and listen to patients’ experiences. Evidence has also shown that this model is more efficient and cost-effective for the GP Practice – which is a bonus that means that we can continue to offer good care to our patients in the future.

How do I book into a group consultation clinic?

Asthma – This is for patients receiving their yearly asthma review. When this is due we will notify you and invite you to a group consultation clinic.

Menopause – please speak to a member of our Patient care services team, or complete the form on Broxbourne alliance’s website

What if I don’t want my personal details discussed with others?
During the Consultation, there will be slides displaying everyone’s first name next to their results (e.g. blood pressure, symptoms, peak flow readings, exacerbations, lifestyle). Patients are required to sign a consent form before the session to say that they are happy for their information to be discussed in front of others. This will be sent to you via text message once you have booked into the clinic. Whilst a few patients have voiced worries about sharing this information in the past, in practice we have had feedback that participants have felt that this is not a significant issue. If you have a personal issue that you would rather not discuss in front of the group, the clinician can always discuss this with you in private at the end of the Group Consultation.

What if I don’t want my condition to be reviewed in this way?
97% of patients who have tried Group Consultations would recommend them to a friend. Many of these patients were initially unsure about Group Consultations, so we advise you to try this! We are happy to answer your questions about Group Consultations, and can discuss these with you in more detail, if required. Please let our reception team know if you have specific concerns. If you do not want to take part with the group consultations, then you can book an appointment in the usual way with a practice nurse / GP.

How long is the session?
The consultation will last approximately 90mins.

Patient Resources

Please see the link below to see evidence and case studies  gathered by NHS England around group consultations.