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Transfer of blood test requests

The Maples is currently linked to three providers for pathology and diagnostic tests, The Royal free trust (Barnet and Chase Farm) Princess Alexandra Hospital and East and North Herts (lister /QEII).

If a hospital outside of these providers has requested pathology or tests you are required to get the done at a location supported by that provider as we cannot transfer these as we are not linked to every hospital system.

Results request by the practice can only be seen by ourselves and the provider of the blood test service. Therefore, if we transfer the request to an alternative form the results will not be seen by the person/hospital requesting the test or be available in your hospital record for them to review at your next appointment.

The practice is required to account for every test it requests to ensure it is relevant to the patients care in General Practice (and a cost is incurred for each one) and we feel this alongside ensuring continuity of care is maintained means we cannot support these requests.