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PCN Staff and Services

Here are details of the services currently delivered by Broxbourne Alliance Primary Care Network. For further details on how to access these services please click on the individual service for further information. 

Clinical pharmacists

Clinical pharmacists work as part of the general practice team to improve value and outcomes from medicines and consult with and treat patients directly. This includes providing extra help to manage long-term conditions, advice for those on multiple medicines and better access to health checks. Having clinical pharmacists in GP practices means that GPs can focus their skills where they are most needed, for example on diagnosing and treating patients with more complex conditions. This helps GPs to manage the demands on their time.

Mental health pharmacist

What do we do?

“Supports people with mental health conditions to optimise their medications and treatments and support their wellbeing”.

The clinics led by the mental health pharmacist will be focused on prescribing/medicines optimisation. It will also aim to provide a more specialist approach to patients’ who have a mental health diagnosis and are under the care of their GP where their mental health and medications are complex in nature. 

As part of the Personalised care team our aim is to support addressing people’s wellbeing and empowering them to take control over “what matters to them” and support connecting to the wider community whilst supporting reducing health inequalities  

Please speak to your practice if you feel you would benefit from an appointment with this service.

Health and wellbeing coach

The Health & Wellbeing Coach helps patients use knowledge, skills, tools, and confidence to reach their self-identified health & wellbeing goals. They help patients with low levels of mental health (anxiety) isolation, weight loss, confidence, menopause symptoms and increasing physical activity levels.

You may be referred to this service by your Healthcare Professional but if you feel you would benefit please speak with your GP Practice.

Social prescribers

Addresses people’s needs in a holistic way to empower people to gain more control over health and personalised care when they need it. People’s health and wellbeing is affected by many factors apart from medical issues such as bereavement/social isolation/environmental issues/family disputes. we support in accessing help and support beyond conventional medicines.

Provide the time in an environment suited to them to explore what matters to them, and what is important to them – to help them to take control of their health and wellbeing and to reach their identified goals using a holistic approach​. Addresses barriers to utilise engagement and build on local community assets​.  

You may be referred to this service by your Healthcare Professional but if you feel you would benefit please speak with your GP Practice.

Children and young persons social prescribing

Addresses people’s needs in a holistic way to empower young people and their families to gain more control over health and personalised care when they need it. People’s health and wellbeing is affected by many factors apart from medical issues, such as barriers to education or employment/environmental issues/family disputes/social isolation/behavioural issues/financial hardship/young carer responsibilities.  

We support in accessing help and support beyond conventional medicines. We pprovide the time in an environment suited to them to explore what matters to them, and what is important to them – to help them to take control of their health and wellbeing and to reach their identified goals using a holistic approach​. We adress barriers to utilise engagement and build on local community assets​.   

You may be referred to this service by your Healthcare Professional but if you feel you would benefit please speak with your GP Practice.

Care coordinators

Proactively identify and work with people, including the frail/elderly and those with long-term conditions, to provide coordination and navigation of care and support across health and care services.

Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioners

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions make up to a third of a GP’s caseload, and this number increases as patients get older.

85% of these patients do not need to see a GP and can be effectively managed by an experienced MSK clinician, who can see the patient early, give the right advice and offer them intervention individualised; this is the role of first contact physiotherapy practitioners. Musculoskeletal first contact practitioners (FCPs) form part of NHS England’s long-term plan to:

  • Reduce the burden on GPs for patients with MSK complaints
  • Streamline the MSK pathway
  • Right person, right place, first time
  • Make it easier for patients to access specialist MSK knowledge and skills.
  • Please speak to your practice if you feel you would benefit from an appointment with this service.

Wellbeing practioner

“Mindfulness is the awareness that arises from paying attention to the current moment, in a particular way, without judgement” (Jon Kabat-Zinn).  

We appreciate that life can be very demanding and stressful at times. Trying to balance and find some time for just you is probably very difficult … but it is also really important, as the saying goes “you can’t pour from an empty cup” 

We are introducing mindfulness to patients and would like to invite you to a free 3-week course with our qualified mindfulness coach. To get the full benefit, it is important you are able to commit to the 3 sessions. Some of the benefits of mindfulness are:  

  • Reduce Stress 
  • Reduce Pain  
  • Manage Anxiety  
  • Improved self-compassion/self-esteem. 

You may be referred to this service by your Healthcare Professional but if you feel you would benefit please speak with your GP Practice.

Menopause pathway specialist GP

The Menopause Pathway is suitable for those who feel that they are going through the perimenopause or menopause. Or are struggling with troublesome symptoms even if taking HRT.

We offer a menopause virtual group consultation which gives everyone the TIME to go through the causes, the symptoms, the treatments, and lifestyle advice that can make this stage of life as healthy, stress-free, and symptom-free as possible which is individualized for each patient. Following the VGC if there is a need to see a GP specially trained in managing the menopause, we will arrange it through the pathway.

Please click on your GP Practice below the symptom checker which will allow you to submit your symptoms and then our team will be in touch.

Chronic pain service

A 16-week pathway working with specialist pain practitioners and personal health coaches to: 

  • To support patients with their pain. 
  • To discuss different ways to manage pain. 
  • To help patients do the things you want to do. 
  • To reduce the impact of pain on daily life. 
  • To help find the best up to date medicines for pain. 
  • To discuss why chronic pain develops and persists. 

You may be referred to this service by your Healthcare Professional but if you feel you would benefit please book in with your GP Practice.

Enhanced care in care homes

We have a dedicated nurse liaison for care home residents along with a care co-ordinator. The homes are visited every week and regular multi disciplinary meetings are held with residents, staff and often their families, to ensure they are actively involved in choices regarding their health. 

Providing personalised care ensures the individual needs of residents are met and promotes living, aging, and dying well, with what the resident values most at the forefront of all conversations.

Enhanced access

Broxbourne Alliance PCN – Enhanced Access

We offer a number of out of hours services each weekday evening and Saturday 9-5pm – a wide range of clinicians are available including GP, Nurses, HCA’s, Pharmacist Physiotherapists, Health & wellbeing – You can access this service by booking with your GP Practice.